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Don't miss the new WAMPUM TV commercial, already aired on the RAI Italian main channel.

Don’t miss the new WAMPUM TV commercial, already aired on the RAI Italian main channel.
The story winks at what has always been the advertising choice of the brand: mischievous and funny. Ready to amaze at the end.
A small cove and a beautiful blonde woman on the pier.
Along her walk she finds a pair of man jeans hanging from a rock. WAMPUM JEANS.
She looks around curiously and suddenly sees him: a sexy young man coming out of the water. Slowly his shoulders, his chest … his abs are outlined.

Step by step the young man approaches the shore and reveals: he is already wearing a pair of jeans: WAMPUM.
The woman does not have time to realize the misunderstanding that sees an older man approaching in a bathing suit.
Denim belongs to him.
The woman has no doubts: the real man wears WAMPUM.
The commercial closes by framing the woman walking away with the older man.